We don't place many links here because there are plenty of search engines elsewhere. Each of our accredited sites has been reviewed by Nessie on the Net! We won't put anything here unless it's worth including. Similarly, if you've got a site that you feel could benefit from being liked to probably the oldest Internet site in the Scottish Highlands with a total hit rate exceeding 45,000 a week, why not send an email to: webmaster@highland.scotnet.co.uk. Unfortunately competition is red hot so you'll have to offer something obviously different, excellent, worthy or novel to get included. Most of what we've seen lately "just don't make the grade!" But good luck! We wish you all the best! We sure don't have a monopoly on good or bad ideas, we're just enjoying the ride and hope you are too.

First - a special honourary link. It's great! -The Conservatory Party!. Read it carefully - it's not what you think!

Sites about the Highlands of Scotland:
Rember you could be listening to
Highlander Internet Radio! tmwhile you browse!!!

Highlander Web Magazine If you want to see the pick of the crop - here it is. This benchmark is why few other sites will ever get included. It is really fantastic.

The Official Loch Ness Monster Centre - the Loch's FIRST (Does that mean Original?) and best (in the webmaster's personal opinion) monster exhibition centre. This centre has a unique multi-room science show which I prefer to a set piece single video performance. (Site down for essential maintenance for next few days).
The Official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club Just what it says - and you could join.
The Officially Original Loch Ness Internet Video Server - at last a regular automated video feed from Loch Ness - what a way to monster hunt around the globe!
International Braveheart Site - well, the quality of the Wallace film speaks for itself
Lore of the Loch - a rare new addition to these links. We like them and hope you will too.
Glenmorangie Distillery - I just wish they'd send me a bottle...or ten, just how subtle must I be (come on Glenmorangie, just the one)!

Links in the rest of Scotland:
Foremost Training Ltd. Glasgow. Plenty more clients and Internet services. Foremost is our esteemed host with its own 512k line and, I think, unrivalled quality of service to commercial Internet users in Scotland..
Gateway to ScotlandGateway to Scotland - this lot are as old us us, maybe even a bit older, and a lot more worth looking at than most other sites.

and elsewhere (the world's a big place):
Mofile Place - in Finland. Like much of Finland this is pure style and substance. Look and learn!
Burlington Vermont USA Home Page - there is a "monster" reason for this link...!

City Net - the geographical net search resource

Yahoo - you've proabably already heard of this one!

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